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Yogurt with Cumcumber & Mint (Kheere Ka Raita)

2 2/3 c Plain yogurt
2 tb Finely chopped fresh mint
2 tb Finely chopped fresh mint
[ More ] 353 Reads
Yataklete Kilkil (Spiced Vegetables)

1 1/2 lb New potatoes
1 ea Broccoli head, stem included
1 ea Broccoli head, stem included
[ More ] 385 Reads
Yam Bake a La Orange

2 lg Yams (1 lb. each); boiled,
- peeled & sliced 1/4" thick 2 Oranges; peeled & sliced
- peeled & sliced 1/4" thick 2 Oranges; peeled & sliced
[ More ] 361 Reads
Wine & Honey Glazed Sprouts

2 lb Brussels sprouts
1/2 c Dry red wine
1/2 c Dry red wine
[ More ] 366 Reads
Whipped Summer Squash

3 c Summer squash;
1/4 c Evaporated milk;
1/4 c Evaporated milk;
[ More ] 350 Reads
Western Wheat Pilaf

1/2 c Finely chopped onion
2 tb Margarine
2 tb Margarine
[ More ] 338 Reads
Vegetable & Herb Curry

1 Box Quick Brown Rice
-- (Vegetable and Herb) 2 tb Vegetable oil
-- (Vegetable and Herb) 2 tb Vegetable oil
[ More ] 335 Reads
Unfried French Fries (Caviness)

6 lg Potatoes
-depends what is large! Salt to taste (optional) Boil potatoes 20 minutes (Peel them or leave them unpeeled) Cut as fries. Place on non-stick cookie sheet (or spray cookie sheet with PAM), one layer thick. Lightly sprinkle with salt if desired, or your favorite seasoning. Bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Turn with spatula after 25 minutes. Serve Food Exchange per serving: 1 STARCH/BREAD EXCHANGES From Fabulous Foods for Friends and Family by Caviness=== Reformated 4 you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master
-depends what is large! Salt to taste (optional) Boil potatoes 20 minutes (Peel them or leave them unpeeled) Cut as fries. Place on non-stick cookie sheet (or spray cookie sheet with PAM), one layer thick. Lightly sprinkle with salt if desired, or your favorite seasoning. Bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Turn with spatula after 25 minutes. Serve Food Exchange per serving: 1 STARCH/BREAD EXCHANGES From Fabulous Foods for Friends and Family by Caviness=== Reformated 4 you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her Meal-Master
[ More ] 374 Reads
Tomatoes Stuffed with Corn Slaw

8 lg Tomatoes
1/4 c Cider vinegar
1/4 c Cider vinegar
[ More ] 348 Reads
Tomato-Cucumber Relish

1/2 Cucumber peeled, seeded and
Diced 2 Plum tomatoes, seeded and
Diced 2 Plum tomatoes, seeded and
[ More ] 391 Reads

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