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Dutch Babies

2 Eggs
1/2 c Flour
1/2 c Flour
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Dutch Apple Coffee Cake
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Margarine or butter;
-softened 3 Eggs
-softened 3 Eggs
[ More ] 233 Reads
Drop Donuts

1/4 c Butter; Softened
1 c Sugar
1 c Sugar
[ More ] 262 Reads
Dried Tomato Scones

-Waldine Van Geffen VGHC42A 2 c Unbleached flour; or 3 C
1 ts Baking soda
1 ts Baking soda
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Dried Tart Cheery Scones

3 c + 3 T flour
6 1/2 ts Baking powder
6 1/2 ts Baking powder
[ More ] 233 Reads
Drew's Famours Onion Dill Bread

1 pk Yeast
3 1/3 c Flour
3 1/3 c Flour
[ More ] 249 Reads
Dr. Benjamin's Rye Bread Starter Abm

2 1/2 ts Yeast
2 c Water
2 c Water
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Downhome Cafe Banana Bread

1/2 c Butter
1 c Sugar
1 c Sugar
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Doughnuts and Coffee Cake From Risen Bread Do
other delicacies. When making a batch of bread, it is a simple matter to remove 2 cups of the dough after the first rising, and work other ingredients into it to make doughnuts or coffee cake. For doughnuts, work into 2 cups once-risen bread dough 3 eggs 1/2 cup melted butter 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon or nutmeg approximately 2 cups flour, Or enough to make a dough that is soft, but workable. Roll the dough out and cut with a floured doughnut cutter. Let the doughnuts rise until light and then deep-fry them. *** (I have other recipes that call for brushing them with butter and baking them in the oven.) Coffee Cake Using Risen Bread Dough: Into 2 cups of once-risen dough work 3/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup soft butter. No extra flour will be needed. Roll the dough to fit a 10 inch square pan. Brush the top with butter and cover with a Streusel or simply with sugar and cinnamon. Let it rise and bake in a 350 oven for about 30 to 45 minutes. One delicious variation is made by spreading the top of the dough with apricot preserves and topping the preserves with a meringue. Bake as directed. This is European and very, very good. From: A World of Breads Shared By: Pat Stockett Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.20 -----

[ More ] 237 Reads
Doughnuts - Pan-1

XKGR41A Don Fifield 1 1/2 c Bread flour (7 oz)
3/4 c All purpose flour (3 1/2 oz)
3/4 c All purpose flour (3 1/2 oz)
[ More ] 236 Reads

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